3 ways mildew can be harmful for you

by | Dec 4, 2019 | Mold Damage

It is usually hard to distinguish mildew from the mold. Given the fact that both are fungus variant, have a peculiar odor and can trigger some health concerns both in humans and livestock, you might need a specialist to identify them apart.

What is mildew?

It is always ideal to know what mildew is prior to trying to learn more about the related health concerns and preventions. Mildew is a mold variant that usually grows on flat and moist surfaces. Unlike mold, mildew prefers to grow on flat surfaces and the damages caused are usually more on the aesthetic aspects of your home.

Mildew is also considered as a mold at its earliest stage by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
This post features some of the health concerns caused by mildew.

The immediate concerns

Since mildew is considered as a mold at its earlier stages, it does not bring along critical health concerns as similar to mold. However, inhaling the mildew spores lingering with your apartment or house can easily trigger some immediate concerns like runny nose, watery eyes, wheezing, sneezing and throat irritation.
Long term exposure to mildew can lead to chronic respiratory conditions and headaches.

Adverse affect on the quality of life

The microbial volatile organic substances associated with the mildew spores can induce a musty odor. This odor can become seriously pungent if left untreated and in small areas without proper ventilation. In addition to the strong fumes, the appearance of mildew over the walls, ceiling or carpets can seriously affect the aesthetics of your residential or commercial structure.

Mild mildew infestations can be treated using water and vinegar, however, it is best to leave the entire task to specialists when you are handling a full-blown colony.

Difficult to contain

The ability of mildew to spread with little or no provocation is something that adds to the headache of house owners. Residential properties, especially apartment can second the mildew transmission via ventilation and connected HVAC systems. In such cases, removing mildew from your apartment alone wouldn’t do the job, if the whole building is contaminated.

Treating mildew and mold can be a task that requires some professional insight, especially when it is so hard to identify the source of the infestation. This is where contacting a mold removal and restoration expert can turn out to be an ideal solution. It is important to perform periodical checks to ensure that your property is not showing any signs of mold or mildew growth. Early detection can be the key to efficient removal, which in turn can help you save both money and time. Diagnosing a mildew growth within the attic or any other space within your household indicates a moisture problem.

Keeping all the surfaces dry, using a dehumidifier and changing the HVAC filters regularly can be an ideal means to tackle or prevent mildew growth. Keep an eye out for mildew while keeping your house clean and ventilated for the best results.