All You Need to Know about the Different Classes of Fires

by | May 15, 2023 | Fire Damage | 0 comments

Fire has been a part of the natural world since the first humans discovered it. They play an important role in maintaining healthy ecosystems and providing heat, which is essential during the cold months. However, fire can also be destructive, especially if it gets out of control. It can destroy homes, communities, and entire ecosystems. When a fire is out of control, it can move quickly and unpredictably, making it difficult to contain. As a result, firefighters will often evacuate people from the affected area to ensure their safety.

Fires can also have long-term effects on the environment because they can damage soil, making it difficult for vegetation to grow and causing erosion. Of course, they can also destroy habitats, leaving animals without food or shelter. As we all know, fires can also destroy our homes. However, many people don’t know that fires are classified into different classes based on the burning fuel type. Understanding these classes is essential for choosing the right type of fire extinguisher or other suppression method to put out the fire safely and effectively. These classes include:

Class A Fires

Everyday materials like wood, paper, cloth, or plastics fuel a Class A fire. These fires are common and can happen in different places like homes, offices, or buildings. You can identify a Class A fire by the steady flame, ash, and smoke it produces. Faulty wiring, cooking accidents, smoking materials, or heating equipment typically cause class A fires. However, they can also be triggered by natural disasters such as wildfires or lightning strikes, and the flames can be small or big and spread quickly.

To put out a class A fire, it’s best to use water or a water-based extinguisher. Water is effective in cooling and stopping flames in this type of fire, but it can be harmful if used on other types of fire because it can cause flames to spread or shock someone with electricity. It’s also crucial to ensure that all flames are fully extinguished to avoid the risk of the fire starting up again.

Class B Fires

Class B fires commonly occur in industrial areas and pose a significant safety risk. They are characterized by rapidly spreading flames and the possibility of explosions. These fires typically occur due to improper storage of flammable substances and malfunctioning equipment like boilers, BBQ grills, and furnaces. The challenge in extinguishing these fires is that the fuel source may reignite the flames, even after they have been put out.

You must avoid using water when handling class B fires because the fuel can cause the fire to spread. It’s better to reduce the oxygen supply to the flames and smother them instead, so using foam is a good option in this situation. If you have a fire on the stove in your kitchen, you can use baking soda or potassium carbonate to put out the flames. It’s a good idea to keep a fire extinguisher in your kitchen for this type of fire.

Class C Fires

Electrical equipment like appliances, wires, and circuit breakers feed a Class C fire. These fires are frequently seen in factories and businesses that use electrical equipment and can be caused by faulty wiring, overloaded circuits, and malfunctioning electrical equipment. Human error, such as misuse or poor maintenance of electrical equipment, can also cause these types of fires. Signs of a Class C fire include a burning smell, sparks or arcing, and flames near electrical equipment. However, they can also release toxic smoke and gases.

Fires that fall under the Class C category are only extinguished using a type of extinguisher known as the Class C extinguisher. These extinguishers contain agents that do not conduct electricity and are safe to apply on electrical equipment. Using water on Class C fires is discouraged as it can conduct electricity and lead to hazardous situations, like an electric shock.

Class D Fires

Class D fires are often seen in chemical labs fueled by flammable metals, including magnesium, titanium, and potassium. A bright, intense flame and the release of harmful gases characterize these fires. When exposed to water, they can cause explosive reactions. These fires are usually caused by mishandling or improper storage of flammable metals, but industrial accidents like spills or explosions can also lead to them.

Class D fires demand a particular type of extinguisher, known as a Class D extinguisher. These extinguishers subdue the fire by using dry powders or sand and stop it from spreading. It’s crucial to avoid using water on Class D fires as it could result in an explosive reaction with the metal, putting everyone in danger.

Class K Fires

Fires under Class K can be started by setting ablaze cooking liquids like oil, grease, animal fat, or vegetable fat. They are specifically found in kitchens, unlike other types of liquid fires. Class K fires are commonly found in restaurants and food service businesses. These fires involve burning liquid which can spread rapidly and cause severe damage. Hence, taking immediate action to control and put out these fires is crucial.

Saponification is a soap-making method that combines triglycerides with a strong base to create fatty acid metal salts. This process is highly effective in extinguishing class K fires. Fire extinguishers designed for class K fires contain a wet chemical agent that can convert cooking oil or fat into soap, effectively extinguishing the fire.


Fires may be categorized into different classes, but make no mistake: all fires pose a significant threat to life and property. For this reason, knowing the different classes of fires and the appropriate firefighting methods can help prevent tragedies, especially if you work in an environment where fires are likely to occur. This way, you can be better prepared to respond to any emergency situation and protect yourself and others.

Titan Restoration Construction provides top-quality services for fire damage restoration in Palm Beach. Our professional restoration contractors will fix your home to how it was before the unfortunate event for a fair price. Call us today at (561) 763-4978 to request an estimate!


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