5 Common Types of Molds Found in Homes

by | Oct 7, 2019 | Mold Damage, Remodeling, Restoration

Mold-infested property, systems or structures can trigger subject deterioration in addition to harming your health. Most people believe that only older homes are vulnerable to mold infestation and this is a misconception.

Identifying whether your house is infested with mold is ideal, but the knowledge of different types of house molds can help you to take the next action, which can be crucial.

This will help you to save valuable time and effort as you can take precautionary steps to contain or prevent further mold growth prior to reviewing the situation and deciding on whether to hire a mold removal specialist.

This post features five mold types that are commonly observed within households along with the consequences of exposure and some steps to prevent any related hazards.


With a high growth rate in temperatures between 20-25 degree Celsius, Alternaria is a rapid growth mold which matures in just five days. The ability of this mold type to thrive in windy and dry conditions gives way to airborne spread.

The mold growth that you see in your sink or shower can be Alternaria. They can grow both indoors and outdoors, usually in damp areas. This mold type can cause asthma and allergic reactions.

Aspergillus fumigates

Aspergillus fumigatus is the most common and dangerous mold type belonging to the Aspergillus mold family. They appear with cotton texture and can be in a combination of blue-green or grey color.

Aspergillus fumigatusis an indoor mold type that usually does not trigger any potential health hazards to humans. However, prolonged exposure can trigger health concerns like respiratory infections and lung inflammation.


This mold type commonly affects wooden furniture, walls, and surfaces. This mold variant is identified as pink and black spots that you may observe around windows or painted walls. As they are commonly observed in households, people usually develop allergies, which are escalated to other severe reactions if left untreated.


Is your house suffering from water damage? If yes, you might come across Chaetomium. Keep an eye out for grayish-green colored mold formation on any substance that contains cellulose. This mold type feeds freely and quickly on materials containing cellulose such as paper, drywall, and fabrics.

This mold type is the common trigger for the musty and old odor within your house.


Cladosporium is commonly found in carpets and wooden floorboards. The fact that this mold type can thrive in both cool and warm conditions makes it more dangerous.

This mold type develops as colonies that trigger airborne spores contributing to its wide and quick spread. Allergies and asthma are the main health concerns that Cladosporium can trigger.

There are more than 1000 different types of molds out there. For an individual without much experience with mold and the related hazards, it is impossible to identify each mold type. If left unchecked, mold can easily become a major hazard within your house. Foresee all these factors and consider performing early water damage and mold checkups for your property at least once a year.